Asian Scientist (Sep. 13, 2013) – Honeybees use a combination of what they feel and see to streamline their bodies and gain maximum ‘fuel efficiency’ during flight, according to researchers in Australia.
The researchers found that bees use their antennae as well as their eyes to calculate the best position for swift flight. The discovery, published in Scientific Reports, could help in the development of robot aircraft, such as insect-like flying machines.
“Honeybees often have to travel very long distances with only a small amount of nectar, so they have to be as ‘fuel-efficient’ as possible,” said Professor Mandyam Srinivasan, senior author of the study. “They achieve this by raising their abdomen to reduce drag so they can fly at high speeds while using less energy.”
Previous research had found that honeybees use their eyes to sense the airspeed and move their abdomens accordingly.
“When we trick a honeybee into thinking that it’s ‘flying’ forward by running background images past its eyes, the bee will move its body into a flying position despite being tethered,” said Gavin Taylor, lead author of the paper.
“The faster we move the images, the higher it lifts its abdomen to prepare for rapid flight. However, if we blow wind directly at them without running any images, the bee raises its abdomen for only a little while. This means that they rely on their vision to regulate their flights.”
Now, the researchers have further unraveled the honeybee’s flight secrets by adding airflow to the bee’s environment.
“We created a headwind and ran background images simultaneously,” said Taylor. “We found that when the fan is turned on, the bee raises its abdomen much higher than when the fan is switched off. This shows that while bees need to see to adjust their abdomens during flight, their streamlining response is also driven by airflow.”
According to Prof. Srinivasan, the honeybee senses airflow with its antenna.
“As soon as we immobilized the bee’s antenna, its streamlining response was reduced as it relied only on its eyes,” he said. “The bee uses its antenna to do many wonderful things – it tastes food with it, senses the vibration in the air when other bees dance, and now we know they also use it to regulate their flights by detecting wind speed.”
Using information from several senses to control their flight is more effective as it helps bees respond more quickly to changes in the environment. For example, their antennae can detect sudden gusts of wind that may change the airflow, allowing them to make the necessary adjustments to their bodies and speed.
“As we start to build more robot aircraft, such as ‘robot bees’ with tiny flapping wings, a better understanding of how these creatures fly takes us one step further towards perfecting these flying machines,” said Prof. Srinivasan.
“These bees are living proof that it’s possible to engineer airborne vehicles that are agile, navigationally competent, weigh less than 100 milligrams, and can fly around the world using the energy given by an ounce of honey.”
The article can be found at: Taylor et al. (2013) Vision And Air Flow Combine To Streamline Flying Honeybees.
Source: The ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Science; Photo: ColorfulFoxes/Flickr/CC.
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