yokohama city university
Alternatively Spliced Variants Linked To Schizophrenia
Researchers have identified splicing quantitative trait loci in the human brain that may be associated with mental disorders such as schizophrenia.

Erasing Fears With Antibodies And Light
By combining the precision of antibodies with toxic oxygen bursts, researchers have inactivated neural proteins to abolish fearful memories in mice.
Engineering The World’s Smallest Nanocrystal With Pizza
A protein called Pizza has helped scientists to create a tiny 19-atom sized nanocrystal of cadmium chloride.
Fatty Acid Produced By Gut Bacteria Helps Immune System Mature
New research from the RIKEN in Japan has shed light on the role of gut bacteria on the maturation of the immune system.
Anti-Psychotic Drug May Help Patients With Severe Asthma
Researchers have found that the anti-psychotic drug Pimozide can be used to overcome resistance to steroids in severe asthma patients.
Growing A New Liver From Stem Cells
Researchers in Japan have developed a functional human liver using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).
Researchers Find Gene Mutations That Cause Fatal Baby Disease
Researchers have discovered a gene linked to a muscle disease so severe that newborn babies rarely survive beyond a few days.
Gene For Bones & Connective Tissue Disorders Identified
Researchers have identified a gene that when mutated is responsible for a spectrum of disorders affecting the bones and connective tissue.
Japanese Scientists Culture Sperm Cells In A Dish
Scientists from the Yokohama City University have successfully cultured mouse testes cells and induced them to produce sperm.