university of wollongong
A Smart Textile That Moves Like Muscle
This new smart textile can both sense and move in response to a stimulus, just like a human muscle or joint.
Human Activity Has Been Heating Up The Planet For 180 Years
Human-induced climate change is not just a 20th century phenomenon; it started much earlier, during the Industrial Revolution, a new study finds.
Fossilized Fireplace Holds Clues To ‘Hobbit’ Extinction
An ancient fireplace found in Liang Bua in Indonesia sheds new light on the demise of Homo floresiensis, the diminutive cousins of modern humans.
10 Asian Biotech Innovations To Watch In 2015
Check out these Asian biotech innovations that might soon be reaching a market near you!
Computer Games Might Benefit Children With ADHD
A small pilot study has shown that game-based neurocognitive training could help manage the symptoms of ADHD in children.
Move Over 3D Printing, It’s Time For 4D
Temperature sensitive 4D printed hydrogels could spur the growth of soft robotics.
Mice Survive Without “Essential” Enzyme
Thought to be essential for cholesterol transport, scientists have now found that mice can survive without the TSPO gene.
3D Printed Seaweed For Medical Implants
Seaweed-derived gels could be a new source of biocompatible material for medical implants that also has a positive impact on the environment.
Drugs For Aches & Pains Could Fight Superbugs, Study
Scientists have found that commonly used anti-inflammation drugs could also be used as antibiotics.
Muscles Made From Fishing Line And Thread
An international team of scientists has made powerful artificial muscles using ordinary fishing line and sewing thread.