university of newcastle
Snakebites Cost Sri Lanka More Than US$10 Million Yearly
Snakebites cost Sri Lanka about US$10 million a year—roughly the same amount the country spends on both meningitis and dengue.
Scientists Identify Genetic Loci For Lynch Syndrome
Scientists can now identify more accurately people at high risk for Lynch Syndrome, an inherited, familial condition that increases the risk of bowel and endometrial cancer.
Anastrozole May Help Prevent Breast Cancer
Researchers have found a drug that is effective in preventing breast cancer, according to a new study.
Calorie Restriction Increases Longevity – Or Does It?
Surinder Baines examines the implications of research showing that calorie restriction may have a role in promoting longevity in mice.
Choir Singing Synchronizes Heart Beats
A new study on how music affects our body and our health has found that when people sing in a choir, their heart beats become synchronized.
Plaques Are Last Stage Of Alzheimer’s Disease, Study
Plaque, long considered to be the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, is one of the last events to occur in the Alzheimer's brain, says a new study.
Integrated Addiction Treatment May Help Trauma Sufferers
New research shows that people with addiction issues, who are frequently excluded from treatment for post traumatic stress, may in fact benefit from psychological therapy.
Brain Inflammation Linked To Schizophrenia, Study
An Australian study has shown increased inflammation in the brains of people with schizophrenia, tightening the link between immune function and schizophrenia.
Scientists Find Common Genetic Loci For Schizophrenia & Bipolar Disorder
An international study has shown that common genetic loci contribute to a person’s risk of suffering from two mental illnesses: schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Doctors Manage Asthma In Pregnancy With Algorithm Against Inflammation Marker
An Australian-designed asthma management program has the potential to halve asthma attacks in pregnant women, the most common chronic medical disorder experienced by this group.