university of auckland
A Sticky Situation Of Triclosan And Toothbrushes
Scientists have found that the antimicrobial compound triclosan sticks to toothbrushes, with implications for health, antibiotic resistance and environmental leaching.
Vitamin D Protects Babies From Respiratory Infections
Taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy seems to help prevent babies from getting respiratory infections after birth.
Asian Migrants’ Changing Diets
An analysis of New Zealand's 2008/09 Adult National Nutrition survey has shown that Asian migrants are more likely to adopt Western diets the longer they live abroad.
Study Shows That Babies Can Detect Different Languages
Babies understand that people who speak different languages use words differently, according to a study.
Challenges Of An Ageing Asia
As Asia braces for an unprecedented ‘silver tsunami’, SMU Assoc Prof Rhema Vaithianathan is studying how it is changing not only the way we fund care for the elderly, but also how that care is being delivered.
Dextrose Gels To Help Prevent Brain Damage In Newborns
A New Zealand study has found that cheap dextrose gels could be used to treat low blood sugar in newborns.
Humanlike Robots Perceived To Have Better Personality
A new study has revealed a preference for humanlike features on a robot's display screen.
Gene That Links Obesity And Immunity Uncovered
Scientists from New Zealand and Australia have discovered a gene that links the immune system with obesity.
Revealed: How Bacteria Store And Release Toxins
Scientists in New Zealand and Australia have uncovered a new way in which bacteria store and release toxins without harming itself.
Monogamy Evolved In Primates To Protect Infants From Being Killed
The threat of infants being killed by unrelated males is the key driver of monogamy in primates, according to a new study by researchers.