
In Pole Position: Racing Toward Electric Mobility (VIDEO)

Automotive enthusiast Dr. Muhammad Taureza and the Scorpio Electric team are engineering electric bikes to realize a future of cleaner transport.

Tech Helping Transport Go The Distance

Technological advances ranging from improved energy storage to artificial intelligence will be key to enabling future mobility solutions.

Connecting The Dots In Urban Mobility Data

SMU Associate Professor Zheng Baihua is developing methods to help researchers explore the many dimensions of urban mobility data.

Commute Or Switch Jobs? 45 Minutes Marks The Threshold

According to research by Chinese scientists, 45 minutes of commute time is an inflection point for switching jobs or housing location.

Grab And NUS Set Up AI Lab

The ~US$4.5 million joint lab aims to help cities in Southeast Asia solve some of their most pressing challenges, like traffic congestion.

Feeling A City’s Economic Pulse

A city’s inherent interconnectedness means that people, businesses, buildings and transport networks can have far-reaching, sometimes unexpected impacts on one another, said experts at the 2017 SMU Conference on Urban and Regional Economics.

Choreography With Computers

SMU Assistant Professor Akshat Kumar develops computational techniques that will allow the complex ecosystems of autonomous cars and ships to run like well-oiled machines.

Shifting Shared Transportation Into High Gear

SMU Assistant Professor Wang Hai uses mathematical models and big data to unravel the complexities of shared transportation systems.

Yellow Cabs Get Into Fewer Accidents Than Blue Ones

Painting all taxis in Singapore yellow could help save US$1.4 million a year, scientists estimate.

Singapore’s Serious Smart Mobility Capabilities

The Smart Mobility Test Bed will include 50 vehicles and 35 roadside units throughout NTU Singapore.