Detect And Detox At The Same Time
Scientists in Thailand have found a way to identify and convert harmful chemicals into benign products in a single reaction.

Agent Orange Contamination Persists In Vietnam, Study Shows
Toxic byproducts of Agent Orange continue to pollute the environment in Vietnam, say researchers in the US.
Traditional Tibetan Medicine Laden With Mercury
High levels of toxic methylmercury are found in traditional Tibetan medicine, say Chinese scientists.
Bacteria Spews Cyanide To Fend Off Predators
A team of scientists in South Korea have revealed how one bacterium inhibits predators with cyanide.
A Sticky Situation Of Triclosan And Toothbrushes
Scientists have found that the antimicrobial compound triclosan sticks to toothbrushes, with implications for health, antibiotic resistance and environmental leaching.
Understanding Venoms From Genomes
By analyzing the genomes of the Taiwan and Sakishima pit vipers, scientists in Japan have gained an understanding into how venoms evolve.
The Risks Of Consuming Adulterated Chinese Medicine
Scientists in Hong Kong have demonstrated that proprietary Chinese medicines contain a range of substances that can have adverse effects on health.
Treating Nerve Damage Caused By Neurotoxins
Scientists in China have identified two drugs that reduce the impact of nerve damage caused by insecticides and chemical weapons.
A Simple Way To Detect Neurotoxic Chemicals
Researchers in Japan have tested a simpler and cheaper method to detect neurotoxic contaminants in water.