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Asian Scientist Magazine’s 2021 Roundup
Here are 10 of Asian Scientist Magazine’s top stories in 2021, highlighting scientific advances in diverse domains from COVID-19 to climate change.
Peak Performance
Designed with general purpose users in mind, the Fugaku supercomputer has the performance and energy efficiency of a GPU-accelerated machine but remains easy to program.
Crunching The Numbers Of Climate Change
From short-term weather forecasts to decades-long climate simulations, supercomputers are giving scientists a peek into our planet’s future.
Asian Scientist Magazine’s March 2021 Roundup
Embark on a billion-year scientific odyssey through Asian Scientist Magazine’s top stories from March 2021.
Asian Scientist Magazine’s February 2021 Roundup
From celebrating women in science to surprising discoveries in the natural world, catch Asian Scientist Magazine’s top stories from February 2021.
Asian Scientist Magazine’s January 2021 Roundup
Starting the year with surprising uses for human waste in space and ancient worm fossils, here are five of Asian Scientist Magazine’s top pieces from January 2021.
Asian Scientist Magazine’s 2020 Roundup
Stories of scientific breakthroughs were bright spots in a year clouded by pandemic news. Here are Asian Scientist Magazine’s top 10 pieces of 2020.