tohoku university

12 Scientists Recognized At Japan Research Front Awards

These scientists were recently recognized for their research at the Japan Research Front Awards 2016.

Google Lunar XPRIZE: Asia’s Teams Shoot For The Moon

Three teams from Asia are racing to win in the 2016 Google Lunar XPRIZE competition.

Traditional Chinese Medicines Often Contaminated With Mercury & Arsenic

Using a stringent two test method, researchers have found that 32 out of 32 traditional Chinese medicines tested were contaminated with mercury and arsenic.

The Magnetic Appeal Of Spin-Orbit Memory

Researchers have developed a new-structure magnetic memory device that can store memory without a power supply.

Crystal Growth That Is Out Of This World

To better understand the effect of zero gravity on protein crystal growth, researchers are growing crystals onboard the International Space Station.

The Philippines To Launch Its First Microsatellite

DIWATA-1, which was built by Filipino engineers working in collaboration with Japanese universities, is slated for launch in early 2016.

Toe Taste Sensors Help Flies Find Food

Blocking the sweet taste receptors in the legs of fruit flies interferes with their feeding behavior, scientists say.

How Social Experiences Shape The Sex Lives Of Flies

Male fruit flies with the fru mutation are hypersensitive to visual sexual stimulation, but only if they were raised in groups.

A Superconducting Graphene Sandwich

Calcium atoms sandwiched between two layers of graphene form an ultrathin superconductor that might one day be used in high-speed nanoelectronics.