
Turning Puffs Into Pesos

The Philippine’s Secretary of Health, Dr. Paulyn Rossell-Ubial, shares with Asian Scientist Magazine how her country has turned a tax on smoking into a health intervention.

Editor’s Note – July 2017 Print Magazine

In this issue of Asian Scientist Magazine, we turn the spotlight on immunotherapy and how it is being used to fight cancer.

Dollars And Drugs

SMU Professor Locknie Hsu studies how trade deals affect the public’s access to affordable medicines and healthcare.

13 Million Smoking Deaths In China Could Be Prevented By 2050, Study

Almost 13 million smoking deaths could be prevented in China by 2050 if WHO guidelines were implemented, according to projections from the China SimSmoke simulation model.

7 Must-Read Stories In January 2014

Here are seven must-read stories from the January 2014 issue of Asian Scientist Magazine.

Study: Tripling Tobacco Taxes Could Prevent 200m Premature Deaths

Tripling tobacco tax globally would prevent 200 million premature deaths this century from lung cancer and other diseases, researchers say.

India’s Blood Pressure Skyrockets

Hypertension is skyrocketing in India, with rural-to-urban migrants at especially high risk.

7 Must-Read Stories In September 2013

Here are seven must-read articles from the September 2013 issue of Asian Scientist Magazine.

World Heart Federation Urges Global Tobacco Reduction

At the Tobacco End Game conference in New Delhi, The World Heart Federation called on countries worldwide to set a target year to end tobacco use in their populations.

Philippine ‘Sponge’ Campaign Warns Smokers About Tar In Cigarettes

Eight provinces across the Philippines today launched a new campaign to warn people about the harms of tar in cigarettes.