Once In A Century Shot: Rediscovering Borneo’s Rajah Scops Owl
After capturing the first-ever photographs of a Bornean Rajah scops owl, researchers hope to study the rediscovered bird in greater detail.

How Viruses And Diseases Get Named
You may be using the terms interchangeably, but SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the novel coronavirus, while COVID-19 refers to the disease that it causes in humans.
Scientists Discover New Shrub Species In Myanmar
The flowers of the Agapetes reflexiloba have a distinctive striped pattern and bloom in December.
Five New Species Of Snout Moths Identified
The discovery of five new species brings the total number of snout moth species in China to ten.
Researchers Discover Fungal-Plant Hybrid That Practices ‘Closed Marriage’
The plant species, discovered on the subtropical Japanese island of Kuroshima, derives its nutrition from host fungi.
Dwarf Rafflesia Flower Found In The Philippines
Scientists have literally stumbled upon a new dwarf species of the giant Rafflesia that is only 9.73 cm in diameter.
New Wasps Become ‘The First Long-Haired Ones’
Researchers in India have discovered five new species of wasps that specialize in parastizing spider eggs, placing them in a new group that translates to ‘the first long haired ones.’