Why Does Deadly Pufferfish Taste So Good?
Researchers in China have identified the key compounds responsible for the exotic taste of pufferfish.

Toe Taste Sensors Help Flies Find Food
Blocking the sweet taste receptors in the legs of fruit flies interferes with their feeding behavior, scientists say.
It’s Not Always Better To Taste Bitter
Japanese macaques may have lost the ability to taste bitter flavors as an adaptation to agriculture, scientists say.
Scientists Capture Living Taste Cells In Action
A technique known as intravital multiphoton microscopy has enabled scientists to visualize how the tastebuds work in real time.
Add Umami To Savor Good Health
The savory taste of umami not only adds flavor to food but could also be important for overall health, scientists say.
Whales Can Only Taste Salt
In whales, the sweet, sour, bitter and umami taste receptors have become pseudogenes, leaving them only with the ability to taste salt.