swinburne university of technology

3D-Printed Structures As Dazzling As A Butterfly’s Wing

3D-printing gyroid structures, inspired by the wing structure of a green hairstreak butterfly, could help make more compact light-based electronics.

Fast Radio Bursts Solve The Mystery Of The Missing Matter

Scientists have detected a fast radio burst coming from a galaxy billions of light years away, helping to confirm the presence of previously ‘missing’ matter.

Ultrathin Graphene Oxide Lens Developed

A highly flexible lens that is 300 times thinner than a sheet of paper could spur the development of next-generation optical systems.

Capillary Force Helps Nanostructures Self-Assemble

By combining laser printing and capillary action, researchers have developed a highly tunable method to synthesize nanostructures.

Need A Nanostructure? Just Laser Print It!

Laser printed nanostructures that can selectively capture and release microparticles could find applications in chemistry and microfluidics.

Controlling Fluids At The Nanoscale

Scientists have modeled a method of controlling the direction of fluid flow at the nanoscale without the use of mechanical pumps or electrodes.

Diamonds On Demand, For Research

Researchers in Australia now have the ability to fabricate ultra high-purity diamonds at the new Diamond Deposition Suite.

Quality Of Acupuncture Needles Must Be Improved, Study

The quality of acupuncture needles is high, but should be improved to avoid potential problems such as pain and skin reactions, researchers say.

Nanopatterned Black Silicon Shows Antibacterial Power

Researchers have revealed the bacterial killing potential of black silicon, leading the way for the development of a new generation of nanostructured antibacterial materials.

Holographic ‘Super-Discs’ For Safe Data Storage

Researchers in Australia have developed a new graphene-based material that may revolutionize secure optical information storage.