solomon islands

Indonesia Opens First Shark And Manta Ray Sanctuary

The 46,000 square kilometer sanctuary is the first to be established in the Coral Triangle, and also provides protection to dugongs, whales, turtles, and dolphins.

Australia To Spend AU$100m On Malaria Research

Foreign Minister Bob Carr today announced that Australia will spend more than AU$100 million over the next four years to fund malaria programs in the Asia-Pacific region.

Wild Birds ‘Smuggled’ From Solomon Islands To SE Asia

A new study has revealed that tens of thousands of wild birds exported from the Solomon Islands have been laundered into the global wildlife trade by declaring them as captive-bred.

Researchers Find Key Gene For Blond Hair In Solomon Islanders

A team of scientists has discovered a single gene mutation that contributes to the blond hair in dark-skinned Melanesians, which is absent in North American and European populations.

Photo Gallery: Images Of The Coral Triangle Captured In Stunning New WWF Book

Stunning photographs of the Coral Triangle taken by wildlife photographers Jürgen Freund and Stella Chiu-Freund will be launched today as a 272-page book by the WWF and Freund Factory.