shinshu university
Bacteria Inside Nematodes Could Lead To Better TB Treatment
Researchers have extracted a chemical compound, evybactin, from bacteria living inside nematode, that successfully targets TB causing bacteria.

To Chill, Just Squeeze
Scientists in Japan have developed a new type of refrigeration that generates a liquid-to-gas transition when a nanosponge is squeezed.
Flash Freezing Cells Without Antifreeze
By printing minuscule droplets with cells in them, researchers in Japan were able to flash freeze biological samples in the absence of cyroprotectant agents.
X-Chromosome Inactivation Reveals Cause Of Rare Brain Disease
Scientists have found that the CASK gene is responsible for a rare brain disorder called MICPCH.
Lighting The Way For Hydrogen Power Production
Researchers have found a way to increase the amount of light collected in photoelectrochemical power cells, increasing the efficiency of hydrogen power generation.
How Antifreeze Proteins Walk On Ice
Molecular simulations reveal how antifreeze proteins bind to ice to allow fish to withstand sub-zero temperatures.
Carbon Nanotubes Strengthen Desalination Membranes
Adding carbon nanotubes to reverse osmosis membranes helps them withstand chlorine exposure without reducing their desalination abilities.
How Magnesium Makes For Safer Batteries
Scientists in Japan have found that adding a magnesium salt to lithium batteries makes them safer to use.
“Microsnails” Found In South China
The smallest known land snail has been discovered in China, laying the groundwork for the study of dwarfism in invertebrates.
Tiny Snail Sheds Light On Subterranean Diversity In Eurasia
A snail discovered in the Nodong cave in South Korea provides a glimpse into the ancient subterranean biodiversity in the region.