shenzhen university
Flexible And Waterproof Batteries To Power Wearable Devices
By twisting carbon nanotube fibers into a yarn, scientists in China have developed a waterproof zinc-ion battery that can be knitted and stretched.

AstraZeneca, Shenzhen Uni To Study Chronic Kidney Disease
AstraZeneca and Shenzhen University Health Science Center will conduct pre-clinical research on chronic kidney disease, a large and growing unmet medical need in China.
Hostile Gut Bacteria Linked To Type 2 Diabetes
New research shows that the composition of a person’s gut bacteria could play an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes.
Mystery Of The Vanishing Neutrinos Solved
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment today reported the first results of its search for the last, most elusive piece of a long-standing puzzle: how is it that neutrinos can appear to vanish as they travel?