Shark Fins Need To Be Struck Off The Menu, Scientists Say
Poor regulatory oversight has allowed the shark fin trade to run rampant and threaten endangered shark species, said researchers in Hong Kong and Canada.

Goblin Sharks Clamp Down On Prey Using ‘Slingshot’ Jaw
By analyzing rare video footage, Japanese researchers have found that goblin sharks project their distinct, protruding jaws forward at incredible speeds to bite prey.
Consider The Fishermen When Saving Sharks
No-fishing zones should be implemented within a broader conversation strategy that takes fishermen's livelihoods into account, a study says.
Hiding In The Reefs Protects Epaulette Sharks From CO2
The oceans are getting more acidic, but living in the reefs has helped epaulette sharks cope, scientists say.
Sharks Stun Sardine Prey With Tail Slaps
Thresher sharks hunt sardines by rapidly slapping their tails hard enough to stun or kill several of the smaller fish at once.
Indonesia Opens First Shark And Manta Ray Sanctuary
The 46,000 square kilometer sanctuary is the first to be established in the Coral Triangle, and also provides protection to dugongs, whales, turtles, and dolphins.
Shark Embryos Play Dead When Predators Lurk
Embryonic sharks can sense danger and avoid being detected by predators by staying still, says a new study.
Australian Study Reveals Sharks Are Color Blind
Researchers in Australia have shown that carpet sharks are probably completely color blind.
Chinese Government To Take Shark Fin Soup Off Menu
In what could be a turning tide for the global shark conservation effort, China's State Council has declared that within one to three years it will stop serving shark fin soup at official receptions.
Legarda Pushes For Philippine Ban On Shark Finning
Philippine Senator Loren Legarda has called for a new law that prohibits the catching of sharks in Philippine waters.