Nearly Half Of Indian Teens Don’t Fare Well In School Due To Hunger
Food insecurity is linked to lower test scores in adolescents, according to an international team of researchers.

Dealing With The Mental Burden Of Debt
Financial debt is a strain on cognitive resources, negatively impacting decision-making, which in turn prevents the poor from escaping poverty, say researchers in Singapore.
Zooming In On Socioeconomic Issues
By analysing the impact of anti-poverty policies at fine-grained level, Associate Professor Tomoki Fujii of the SMU School of Economics is uncovering better ways of reaching development goals.
Partnering Against Poverty
Collaborations between businesses, governments, and civil society organizations—if done right—could lift the world’s most destitute out of poverty.
Shining A Light On Singapore’s Invisible Poor
SMU Associate Professor John Donaldson is working to understand the root causes of poverty in the wealthy city-state.
Feeling Inferior Makes People Eat More
Feeling socially inferior made people prefer unhealthy food and eat 65 percent more, study says.
Midriff Bulge Clinging To One In Four Older Indians
Excess girth around the waist, which is associated with a variety of health problems, has been found in 28-50 percent of middle aged Indians.
Malnutrition High Among Lower Income Children In India
More than 80 percent of the children of housekeeping staff at a hospital were found to be malnourished.
Bangladesh’s Health Successes Shift Chronic Diseases To The Poor
A 24-year study has shown that chronic diseases in Bangladesh have shifted from the rich to the poor.
Taking Action For Social Change
Research at the SMU Lien Centre for Social Innovation is helping to better understand and respond to the needs of vulnerable communities in Singapore.