particle physics
Could The Cosmos Be A Collider?
The cosmos and elementary particles—the largest and smallest objects studied by physicists—are intricately linked.
Scientists Obtain The Most Accurate Measurements Of Proton Mass To Date
Precise measurements of the mass of a proton find it to be three standard deviations lower than previous estimates.
Supercomputers Used To Simulate Fusion Reactor Materials
Supercomputers have helped researchers realistically model what happens to tungsten when it comes into contact with impurities during nuclear fusion reactions.
‘Breathing’ Skyrmions Could Be Used Beyond Memory Devices
The first ever observation of skyrmion ‘breathing’ paves the way for ultra-fast communications of the future.
How Skyrmions Dance In Sync
Computer simulations reveal new insights into skyrmions, quasi-particles that could be used for next-generation information storage and processing devices.
The Mathematics Of Spilling Water On The Table
Scientists have successfully derived a mathematical formula that predicts how droplets spread when they collide with a flat surface.
Using Holographs To Move & Bend Cells At Will
Researchers in South Korea have used laser holography to control the movement of irregularly shaped microscopic objects including red blood cells.
7 Must-Read Stories In March 2017
Science in Asia is on the move, from gene editing to particle physics and even robotic turtles.
Could Dark Matter Lie Beyond The Portal?
A dark axion portal could link the observable Universe to dark matter, which occupies 70 percent of the Universe but remains poorly understood.