
Singapore Awards Top Honors To Researchers At PSTA 2019

Two teams and an individual have received the 2019 President’s Science and Technology Awards in Singapore.

An Eye-Opening Stem Cell Discovery

A research group in Japan has found that different versions of a protein called laminin can cause human stem cells to become specific cell types in the eye.

Biodegradable Microneedles Painlessly Deliver Drugs To The Eye

Scientists in Singapore have developed a microneedle patch that could be used to treat eye diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Lens Shown To Reduce Myopia In Children

Scientists in Hong Kong have designed spectacle lenses to slow myopic progression in children.

Adjusting ‘Lazy Eyes’ With Augmented Reality

Researchers in China have shown that augmented reality technology can be used to correct ‘lazy eye’ or amblyopia.

Understanding Inherited Blindness Through Zebrafish Eyes

Discovery of a gene in zebrafish that triggers congenital blindness could lead to new treatments for a similar disease in humans.

AMD Affects Visual Function Differently Across Ethnicities

Unlike Malays and Chinese, Indians with age-related macular degeneration do not experience as severe a loss in visual function.

RNAi Used To Treat Eye Inflammation

Researchers have successfully used proline-modified short hairpin RNA targeting (pro)renin to treat eye inflammation in mice.

Eye Test Can Spot Glaucoma Four Years Earlier

A newly patented eye test that uses spots of light can help to detect glaucoma years earlier than standard tests.

Researchers Develop 2D ‘Eye’ From Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Scientists have mimicked the development of a whole human eye in a 2D lab culture, paving the way for futuristic cornea reconstruction techniques.