next generation sequencing

Moving The Needle In Liquid Biopsy

Twist Bioscience is optimizing cancer research workflows with a new library preparation kit and improved reference standard for next-generation sequencing of cell-free DNA.

Sequencing Gets Personal

Twist Bioscience introduces highly customizable sequencing panels, taking personalized diagnostics to the next level.

Refining RNA Sequencing

Twist Bioscience strengthens its next-generation sequencing capabilities with the launch of a dedicated suite of RNA sequencing solutions.

Elevating Whole Exome Sequencing With Twist Exome 2.0

Designed with best-in-class features, Twist Bioscience’s Exome 2.0 outperforms other exome sequencing panels in detecting rare and inherited diseases.

Scaling Up Viral Surveillance

Twist Bioscience’s target enrichment approach streamlines the discovery, monitoring and management of viruses and their transmission.

Forging New Paths In Cancer Diagnostics

HistoIndex is partnering with the University of Malaya and Pathomics Health to roll out an integrative diagnostics platform for the holistic analysis of patient tumor biopsies.

How Fusion Genes Lead To Leukemia

Researchers in Japan have identified a recurring fusion gene associated with poor prognosis in pediatric T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia.

Gene Linked To A Common Hearing Disorder Identified

Scientists in Japan have identified the causative gene for sensorineural hearing loss, a common hearing disorder.

Genetic Database Makes Finding Organ Donors Easier

A database of the different human leukocytes antigen genes in the Indian population could make it easier for those seeking organ transplants to find a match.

Multigene Sequencing Panel Detects Breast Cancer Early

Rather than testing them one by one, this test spots patients in India with risk of breast and ovarian cancers by using next-generation sequencing for a panel of genes.