national university health system singapore

Two Kinds Of Heart Failures Don’t Beat As One

By studying a cohort of 2,039 patients over a span of seven years, researchers have discovered the subtle differences in incidence and patient outcomes for two types of heart failure.

Protein That Protects Women From Heart Disease Identified

Raised levels of thymosin beta-4 in the plasma samples of women accurately predicted their risk of heart disease.

Babies’ Gut Bacteria Linked To Healthy Weight Gain

Babies born via vaginal delivery had a more mature gut microbiota than their Caesarean-born counterparts.

Gravitating To Singapore

Seeking to study the effects of gravity on muscle mass in humans, Dr. Alfredo Franco-Obregón left the research group he founded at ETH to come to Singapore. He shares his experiences with Asian Scientist.

Genetic Causes Of Poor Eyesight Become Clearer

An international team of scientists have completed the largest study into the genetic causes of poor eyesight.

It’s In The Genes: East Asians More Likely To Be Resistant To Some Cancer Drugs

A gene variant commonly found in individuals of East Asian descent, but not in African or European people, may be responsible for resistance to targeted cancer drugs used to treat certain types of leukemia and lung cancer.

Treatment For Stomach Cancer To Be Decided By Genomic Classification Of Tumors

Researchers in Singapore have found that stomach tumors can be classified into two distinct disease variants that respond differently to chemotherapy.