national institute of advanced industrial science and technology
AI For Everyone
Rather than dominate the TOP500 rankings, the ABCI supercomputer was designed to bring computing capacity for AI applications to the masses, says AIST’s Satoshi Sekiguchi.
2-In-1 Battery Stores Energy & Captures Carbon
While trying to develop a lithium-air battery, scientists stumbled upon a method to create solid carbon dust from carbon dioxide.
Bees Do It, Drones Do it
No longer the stuff of science fiction and TV series, drones now can pollinate flowers.
Carbon Nanotubes For Wearable Electronics, Anyone?
While carbon nanotubes show promise, the jury is still out on whether they can be used for manufacturing wearable electronics.
Fishing Out The Binding Partners Of Membrane Proteins
A yeast-inspired method to study how membrane proteins interact with other proteins could lead to new drugs targeting cell surface signaling molecules.
Opening Up The Gateway To A Cell’s Batteries
How do large, complex molecules enter the mitochondria from the cytosol? Real time atomic-resolution images now reveal the architecture of the gateway proteins involved.
A Symmetrical Solution For Better Batteries
Scientists have designed a symmetrical sodium battery that has a high voltage and long lifespan, advancing the storage of green energy sources.
Nanogram-Precision Weighing With Micro-Cantilevers
Researchers have developed a system that can measure tiny differences in weight even in a liquid environment.
InkJet Printing Of Single Crystal Thin-Film Transistors
Japanese researchers report a new technique for printing thin film transistors called InkJet technology.