national institute for physiological sciences
Lack Of Protein In Brown Fat Linked To Obesity
Mice lacking the TRPV2 protein in their brown fat are more susceptible to obesity—presenting an intriguing approach to obesity treatment in humans.

Physiotherapy Reorganizes The Brain For Post-Stroke Recovery
Activating the cortex-to-red nucleus pathway with physical rehabilitation helps rats recover after a stroke, possibly by reorganizing damaged brain circuits.
How Inversion Tricks The Brain
Researchers have mapped the neural pathways required for the normal recognition of faces, explaining why orientation makes inversions difficult to spot.
The Two-Step Amplification Of Pain
Researchers have shown how the sequential activation of TRPV1 and ANO1 amplify pain in mice.
Gloss Or Not? How Monkeys Tell The Difference
How glossy a surface is can be defined by three parameters that are recognized in specific parts of the temporal context, scientists say.
Bypassing The Brain To Walk Again
Bypassing the spinal cord with an artificial neural connection enables subjects to control their legs by swinging their arms.
Same Data, Different Conclusion
A statistical re-analysis has led scientists to conclude that mice are a suitable model organism for studying human inflammatory conditions afterall.
Prozac Induces Juvenile-Like State In Neurons
Researchers have discovered that Prozac (fluoxetine) causes neurons in the brains of adult mice to revert to a juvenile-like state.
Compliments Help People Perform Tasks Better, Study
Japanese scientists have found evidence that people performing tasks appear to perform better when another person compliments them.