nagoya university

New Material Doubles Negative Thermal Expansion Record

Most materials expand when heated; researchers have now found one that contracts by nearly 7 percent instead.

Tree Rings Reveal Unusual Solar Activity

Radioactive carbon trapped in tree rings has helped scientists pinpoint exactly when abnormal solar events occurred.

Japanese Professors Receive Fujihara Award

Kei Hirose and Yoshinori Fujiyoshi were recognized for their research into Earth’s origins and membrane proteins respectively.

Human Sight Especially Sensitive To Snakes

The human eye can spot snakes from blurred images faster than non-threatening animals such as cats or fish.

POEM, The Key To Seed Without Sperm

A new study suggests that pollen tube contents alone can induce seed enlargement, contradicting our previous understanding that fertilization is essential for seed development.

Mitochondrial Membrane Collapse Associated With ALS

The disruption of the mitochondria-associated membrane is an indicator of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, researchers say.

12 Scientists From Japan To Watch

By no means an exhaustive list, these 12 scientists have made significant contributions to Japan's science and technology landscape.

Microdevice Detects Gliomas In Less Than 15 Minutes

The microdevice can detect a specific mutation linked to brain or spinal cord tumors, potentially enabling accurate removal of the entire tumor during an operation.

How Roundworms Regrow Brain Cells

Understanding how roundworms regrow severed nerves could one day lead to nerve injury treatments for humans.