muscle atrophy
Space Mice Reveal Why Muscles Waste Away In Space
Exposing mice aboard the International Space Station to artificial gravity has revealed the molecular mechanisms behind muscle waste.

Finding The Cause Of Muscle Loss In Diabetes
Using mouse models of diabetes, scientists have identified the proteins WWP1 and KLF15 as key players in muscle loss under diabetic conditions.
Muscle Loss Driven By Epigenetics Both In Space And On Earth
Scientists in Japan have identified DNA methylation as a crucial mediator of muscle loss at microgravity as well as at normal gravity.
Soy Supplement Reduces Muscle Loss In Mice
Mice fed on a diet supplemented with a soy isoflavone had reduced muscle loss following experimentally-induced nerve damage, researchers say.
One Test, Two Uses: Diagnosing Both Muscle-Wasting & Heart Failure
A simple screening method for sarcopenia, which causes muscle mass loss, was just found to be surprisingly effective at diagnosing heart failure risk.
Japanese Study: Acupuncture May Prevent Muscle Loss In Elderly And Patients
A team of Japanese researchers have found that acupuncture therapy may benefit the elderly and patients who suffer from loss of skeletal muscle mass.