
Five Receive 2021 President’s Science And Technology Awards In Singapore

Singapore has recognized five researchers with the 2021 President’s Science and Technology Awards for pushing the country’s frontiers in biomedicine and engineering.

Facing The Double Threat With Fortitude

By differentiating between the two diseases, MiRXES’ new Fortitude SARS-CoV-2 and flu A/B test could help countries face the ‘twindemic’ of flu and COVID-19.

Profiling A Panorama Of Pathologies

By targeting nearly 400 miRNAs linked to over 20 different diseases with a single product, MiRXES’ ID3EAL PanoramiR microRNA knowledge panel proves that it’s possible to achieve more with less.

Heeding The Call For COVID-19 Testing (VIDEO)

As calls for widespread COVID-19 testing increase in urgency, Singapore-based MiRXES is stepping up to the challenge, says its CEO Dr. Zhou Lihan.

7 Must-Read Stories In March 2019

Stories about outstanding scientists topped the charts in the month of March, but readers were also curious about feats of engineering and studies about diseases.

Combining DNA & MicroRNA Data For The Best Of Both Worlds

Researchers in Japan have established a method that integrates microRNA and genome-wide association study data to help identify the root causes of disease.

A Bone To Pick With Prostate Cancer Cells

Researchers in Japan have identified a microRNA molecule secreted by prostate cancer cells that alters bone remodelling.

These Four MicroRNAs Could Warn Of Impeding Heart Condition

Researchers have identified four microRNAs that can serve as a blood-based marker of a heart condition known as atrial fibrillation.

WuXi STA & Regulus To Collaborate On MicroRNA-Targeting Drugs

The partnership is aimed at accelerating Regulus’ oligonucleotide therapeutics programs into the clinic for the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Brain Cancer Linked To A Lack Of RNA Editing

Insufficient RNA editing in brain tissues could drive the growth of aggressive tumors, scientists say.