mekong river commission
The Great Walls On Mekong: Dams Of Fate
Dams have dealt a blow to the flora and fauna of the Mekong—and the people who depend on it for a living.
An Algorithm For Responsible Damming
Scientists in the US have created an algorithm to better manage hydropower dams so as to avoid compromising food production along the Mekong River.
Asia’s Scientific Trailblazers: Han Seung Soo
Han Seung Soo, the UN special envoy for disaster risk reduction and water, seeks to create greater awareness water-related disasters.
In Search Of A Good Dam On The Mekong
Plans to harness hydropower potential in the Lower Mekong Basin for the first time has led to a search for a good dam.
In The Mekong, Science – Not Guesswork – Must Prevail
With the livelihoods of 60 million people on the line, science - not guesswork - must prevail, writes WWF International Director General Jim Leape.
Mekong Dam May Cause Food Security Threat, Study
The planned hydropowered dams on the Mekong River could jeopardize food security for 60 million people, according to a study.
Elvis The Monkey & Psychedelic Gecko Among New Species Found In Mekong
A monkey that has Elvis' hairstyle, a self-cloning skink, five carnivorous plants, and a unique leaf warbler are among the 208 species newly described by science in the Greater Mekong region in 2010.
Xayaburi Dam Decision Delayed, Pending Further Studies
The Mekong River Commission has agreed to delay a controversial decision on building the Xayaburi dam in Northern Laos pending further studies on the dam's environmental impact.
Mekong River Jeopardized By Xayaburi Dam Construction, WWF Says
The Mekong River’s future hangs in the balance as its four surrounding countries decide whether to construct a dam on it.
WWF Freshwater Director, Dr. Li Lifeng, Talks To Asian Scientist Magazine
Asian Scientist Magazine chats with Dr. Li Lifeng, Director of the WWF International Freshwater Program, who tells us that solving the water, energy, and food equation for the world has to be a global priority.