mass spectrometry
Setting Up Singapore’s Scientific Ecosystem For Success
To empower local researchers in their pursuit of great science, A*STAR’s Research Support Centre in Singapore offers expertise, scientific services and technological support all in one platform.

Uncovering The Origins Of Marijuana Use
Scientists have found psychoactive compounds preserved in 2,500-year-old funerary incense burners in eastern Pamirs, China.
Making Sense Of Metabolites In Living Systems
Combining computational algorithms with mass spectrometry, scientists in Japan have devised a technique to speed up the identification and characterization of natural products.
A Blood Test For Alzheimer’s Disease
Researchers have developed a blood test that can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease with 90 percent accuracy.
Protein That Protects Women From Heart Disease Identified
Raised levels of thymosin beta-4 in the plasma samples of women accurately predicted their risk of heart disease.
Get A Single Cell’s Metabolome In Minutes
Using single cell mass spectrometry, scientists now can sneak a peek at the molecular profile of individual plant cells.