macquarie university
Laotian Fossils Reveal The Diversity Of Ancient Humans
Fossils from Laos bearing both archaic and modern human traits demonstrate the diversity of early humans.
The Evolutionary Role Of PMS?
Professor Michael Gillings of Macquarie University argues that premenstural syndrome could have served to break up infertile couples.
Photons On Demand Now Possible With Breakthrough
Researchers have achieved a breakthrough in photonics that will help create extremely compact optical chips that deliver a photon at a time.
Super-Bright Nanocrystals For Diagnostic Testing
Researchers in Australia and China have used optical fibers to illuminate nanocrystals at three orders of magnitude over quantum dots.
Bees Remain Altruistic When The Queen Dies
A new study has shown that honeybees show remarkable altruism towards their colony even when faced with the collapse of their colony.
New Class Of Old Star Cluster Discovered
Star clusters with properties not seen before have been discovered by an international team of astrophysicists.
Low-Sodium ‘Diet’ Key To Stars’ Stellar Old Age
Researchers have found that stars with a high sodium content die before reaching the final, spectacular stages of life.
Of Mice & Men: Role Of Mice In Biomedical Research Questioned
A new study in PNAS raises questions about the fundamental role of mice in biomedical research.
Scientists Crack Genetic Code For Blood Parasite Linked To Bladder Cancer & AIDS
Scientists have cracked the genetic code of the blood parasite Schistosoma haematobium, which is linked to bladder cancer and HIV/AIDS.
Male Bottlenose Dolphins Use Social Networks To Secure A Mate
New research shows that male dolphins who form social alliances have better reproductive success than those who go solo.