korea advanced institute of science and technology
What Speaking Multiple Languages Does To The Brain
The benefits of speaking multiple languages can be seen in the brain, according to a South Korean study of young children.
Decluttering The Brain By Eating Connections
Meet the stars of the brain's clean-up efforts: astrocytes that remove excessive connections which could impede learning and memory.
Painting The Rainbow With Engineered Bacteria
Using metabolic and membrane engineering, South Korean scientists produced seven natural rainbow colorants from engineered E. coli bacteria.
The Wearables Wicking Sweat Away
Sweat, begone! Using a new technique, researchers are creating porous membranes for wearable biosensors that rapidly remove water on the skin.
Digging Into The Science Of Protein Cravings
When deprived of protein, specialized cells in our gut release a hormone telling our brain to crave food containing essential amino acids.
Engineering The Future Of Asia
By working at the intersections of the physical, digital and biological spheres, Asia's engineers are ushering in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Look Ma, No Wires: Charging The Next Generation of Brain Implants
Scientists in South Korea have developed smartphone-controlled brain implants that can be recharged without any wires.
How Cellular Traffic Jams Disrupt Sleep
Aging, dementia and obesity could lead to disrupted sleep by causing cytoplasmic traffic jams, according to a study published in PNAS.
What Algorithms Can Teach Us About Art
An algorithm has shown that landscape paintings over the past five centuries are surprisingly similar, suggesting selection bias.
How The Brain Prepares For The Eyes To See
Computer simulations show that spontaneous activity in the developing retina could help the visual cortex form properly prior to input from the eyes.