japan agency for marine earth science and technology
China Overtakes The US On The TOP500 Ranking
For the first time since its inception, the number of supercomputers on the TOP500 list installed in China has surpassed that of the United States.

Two Unusual Anemones Found In Japan
Unlike other members of the same species, the newly discovered anemone do not have symbiotic, photosynthetic algae.
The Hitachi Deposit: Older Than You Think
Rhenium-Osmium isotope dating traces the formation of the Hitachi deposit to the Cambrian era, making it the oldest ore deposit in Japan.
Slippery Fault Unleased 2011 Japan Tsunami
The Tohoku fault is more slippery than expected and this may explain why the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami.
Japan Earthquake Released Stress Causing Tsunami, Study
Researchers have discovered that the massive 2011 earthquake in Japan released nearly all of the stress that had built up along the plate boundary in that region.
Deep-Sea Mud Of Pacific Ocean Abundant In Rare Metals
Could all of the rare-earth elements needed to assemble our iPads and Kindles be found on the muddy floor of the Pacific Ocean?