Making Vital Signs Monitoring Accessible And Affordable
Technological advancements can make non-invasive vital signs monitoring available for everyone, removing the inconvenience of traditional monitoring methods.

Igniting Innovation—An Interview With Richard Eu Of Eu Yan Sang International
In a rapid transition from traditional medical halls to numerous international outlets and an online store, embracing innovation has catapulted Eu Yan Sang into a household name in traditional Chinese medicine.
Answering Unmet Needs With The Singapore Biodesign Innovation Fellowship
Singapore Biodesign supports local health tech innovators with a robust program, mentorship, workshops and valuable opportunities to meet investors.
Innovating Intelligent Machines To Enhance Human Life
With the rapid advance and proliferation of artificial intelligence, innovators have begun developing smarter machines to bolster a wide array of human activities.
Fighting Pathogens With Antimicrobial Technologies
Healthcare facilities are susceptible to the spread of infections, but developments in antimicrobial technologies are working to wipe the danger of harmful microorganisms out.
Unleashing The Potential Power Of Energy Harvesting For IoT Devices
As the number of Internet of Things devices continues to grow, innovators explore energy harvesting as a promising solution to ensure power availability.
Taking Charge With Wearables
As wearable health technology continues to advance, consumers are set to have more control over their health monitoring than ever before.
Pivoting To The Pulse Of Innovation
IPI’s futurepulse podcast discusses with business leaders how companies can remain at the forefront of technology trends and innovation.
Driving Innovation For Internationalization
Drawing from a wealth of overseas experience, IPI Innovation Advisor Benny Goh guides companies to plan and execute effective outward growth strategies.
Architects Of An Innovation Ecosystem
Shaped by the valuable experiences and opportunities from their time at IPI, two former staff share how a career at IPI propelled them to make a difference in open innovation.