ibm research
Raising A City’s IQ
Smart cities represent a tremendous opportunity to improve the lives of millions, but many technical challenges stand in the way. Here’s how high performance computing is being used to address several of the most difficult ones.
A Positive Development Against Drug-Resistant Cancer
Synthetic macromolecules can kill multidrug-resistant cancer cells and help prevent the spread of cancer, researchers say.
Macromolecule Packs Three-Hit Combo Against Viruses
Just a small amount of this macromolecule could potentially neutralize an entire room infected with viruses such as Ebola.
A Charged Partnership: Unlikely Partners In The Antibiotics Arms Race
Antibiotic resistance is a growing threat to global health. By combining their expertise, a cancer drug delivery researcher and a technology giant might just have come up with a solution to prevent the slide into a post-antibiotic era.
Supercomputers Shed Light On Cellulose Synthesis
Aided by IMB supercomputers, researchers have performed quadrillions of calculations to model the synthesis of cellulose.
Recycled Plastic Finds New Role In Killing Drug-Resistant Fungi
Researchers have discovered a new, potentially life-saving application for polyethylene terephthalate, which is widely used to make plastic bottles.
Antimicrobial Hydrogel To Fight Drug-Resistant Biofilms
Researchers have designed a new antimicrobial hydrogel that can break through diseased biofilms and eradicate drug-resistant bacteria upon contact.
IBN And IBM Fight Superbugs With Polymeric Nanoparticles
Scientists at A*STAR and IBM Research – Almaden have developed biodegradable polymer nanoparticles that combat drug-resistant superbugs.