
Only Tiny Fraction Of Fukushima’s Rice Deemed Radioactive

In 2013, only 28 out of 11 million bags of rice from Fukushima tested positive for radiocesium above 100Bq/kg.

Half Of Japanese Town Suffers From PTSD

Researchers found that eating right, exercising and going to work helped people in the town of Hirono to cope in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster.

Slippery Fault Unleased 2011 Japan Tsunami

The Tohoku fault is more slippery than expected and this may explain why the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami.

Viewing Fukushima In The Cold Light Of Chernobyl

Several studies of Chernobyl are bringing a new focus on the long-term effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster on Japanese wildlife.

Radioactive Strontium Off Japan Coast Rose A Hundredfold Post-Fukushima

Researchers have found that levels of radioactive strontium in the coastal waters of eastern Japan rose by almost a hundredfold in the three months following the Fukushima nuclear accident, which happened in March 2011.