Nuts & Bolts—Taking The Sting Out Of Medical Testing
New technology and prototypes herald speedier, cheaper and less invasive medical tests.

Sperm Frozen For 15 Years Still Lead To Live Births
A large sperm bank study shows that sperm frozen for up to 15 years have a live birth success rate comparable to sperm frozen for only a short time.
Starve & Squeeze To Keep Egg Cell Supply Fresh
Researchers in Japan have shown that reduced oxygen and mechanical compression play roles in achieving and maintaining a dormant state in mouse egg cells.
5 Times The Circadian Clock Ruled The Day
By now you must have heard that research on the circadian clock has won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017; but did you know that it also affects female fertility, among other things?
Reprogramming ‘Fixes’ Trisomic Sperm
Cells with extra sex chromosomes can be reprogrammed to create sperm with the correct number of chromosomes that can give rise to healthy offspring.
Sugary Fuel Needed For Sperm Stem Cell Renewal
Drugs that enhance glycolysis, the release of sugar through the breakdown of glucose, have been found to increase the self-renewal capacity of sperm stem cells.
Korean Startup Among Bayer’s Grants4Apps Accelerator 2016 Winners
Vital Smith, a Korean startup specialising in technology for diagnostic devices, was one of four winning teams from Bayer's global open innovation program.
Researchers Enhance In Vitro Maturation By Adding Growth Factors
Researchers in Australia have enhanced an existing fertility technique called in-vitro maturation by adding growth factors.
Female Chickens Store Sperm From Multiple Males With Help From Fat Cells
Droplets of fat transferred from female cells to sperm cells may contribute to keeping sperm alive for long periods of time.
Dads-To-Be, Please Take Your Vitamins
A father’s health at the time of conception is directly passed on to future generations—particularly if he is malnourished.