fatty acid metabolism
Turning Algae Into Designer Fat Factories
The discovery of enzymes that can selectively attach fatty acids to glycerol paves the way for customizable or designer fats.
Nanocellulose Fibers Block Fat Uptake By Half
Nanocellulose fibers prevented the absorption of dietary fat from the guts of mice, researchers say.
Fish Oils Suppress Seizures Through Estrogen
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from food reduces the severity of seizures in mice by causing more estrogen to be produced in the brain, researchers say.
Beware: Trans-Fats Are Nastier Than Previously Thought
Trans-fatty acids can directly promote cell death leading without increasing the levels of reactive-oxygen species, study shows.
When Is The Best Time To Eat ‘Good’ Fats?
Eating food with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids during the day might help to lessen the risk of metabolic syndromes, researchers say.
Obesity-Promoting Genes Discovered
Mice that lack two genes—Cnot7 and Tob—remain lean even after eating a high-fat diet, research shows.
Diet Affects Sperm Competitiveness
A study using artificial insemination in guppies shows that omega-3 fatty acids gives sperm a competitive advantage.
Fatty Acid Transport Proteins Linked To Schizophrenia & Autism
Mutations in fatty acid binding proteins resulting in disrupted lipid transport to the brain could be the common factor underlying both schizophrenia and autism.