facial recognition
Trusting At Face Value
Researchers from Japan discover that greater levels of facial similarities in individuals of the same sex can increase perceived trustworthiness.

All Eyes On The Future
Supercomputers play a key role in artificial intelligence-enabled computer vision, says SenseTime co-founder Lin Dahua.
Mom, Is That You?
A research group in Japan has found that babies are only able to recognize the side view of faces after six months of age.
Facing Up To The Future
With facial recognition technology now widely used in law enforcement and in consumer devices, has privacy become a relic of the past?
Facial Masculinity Linked To Autism
Scientists in Australia have used 3D facial images to identify a link between masculine facial features and autism.
Blue Faces Perceived As More Fearful
Facial color plays a role in subconscious processing of fearful expression, say scientists.
How Inversion Tricks The Brain
Researchers have mapped the neural pathways required for the normal recognition of faces, explaining why orientation makes inversions difficult to spot.
Why ADHD Brains Don’t Get Facial Expressions
A non-invasive technique reveals that the brains of ADHD children respond to happy faces but not angry ones.
Passport Staff Miss One In Seven Fake IDs
A study showing that one out of every seven passport checks fails questions the use of photo IDs to secure borders.
Facial Recognition AI Beats Human Abilities
A new facial recognition system is accurate at 99.15 percent, regardless of changes in lighting, make-up and camera angles.