exascale computing
Averting Asia’s Water Crisis
Through high-speed, high-resolution exascale computing, researchers and citizen scientists are tackling water stress across Asia by discovering better ways to treat water and monitor its flow.

Japan’s Fugaku Crowned The World’s Fastest Supercomputer
For the first time in history, the same machine has topped all three of rankings of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.
Students Take The Stage
Given time, training and resources, students can achieve amazing feats, as demonstrated by the teams taking part in the 2019 APAC HPC-AI Competition.
The Cost Of Cooling
Today’s supercomputers are more powerful—and hotter—than ever. Continued progress towards exascale computing requires innovative cooling techniques.
The Race To Exascale
Professor Lu Yutong shares how China’s past experiences have shaped the country’s supercomputing efforts, and calls for more collaboration among Asian countries.
5 Ways Supercomputers Help Advance Science
Supercomputers are helping scientists simulate scientific processes, make predictions and create data-based solutions, tackling the biggest scientific questions one calculation at a time.
The View From The TOP500
The TOP500 list may have begun almost as an accident, but it has nonetheless come to shape the way we think about supercomputers. Supercomputing Asia catches up with the co-originator of the list, Jack Dongarra, to find out more about its past, present and future.
Green Is The New Black
Supercomputers are power guzzlers, but researchers like Professor Satoshi Matsuoka are leading the charge for greener, more energy-efficient machines.