Turning Algae Into Designer Fat Factories
The discovery of enzymes that can selectively attach fatty acids to glycerol paves the way for customizable or designer fats.
ASK: The Gatekeeper To Cancer
Researchers in Japan have identified a pathway regulating the activity of an oxidative stress response enzyme, with implications on cancer development and progression.
Artificial Catalysts For Epigenetics Without Enzymes
Scientists in Japan have performed DNA acetylation in living cells using chemical catalysts instead of biological enzymes.
How Good Gut Bacteria Break Down Sugar
Scientists have identified a unique metal ion-containing domain within the three-dimensional structure of an enzyme that gut bacteria use to break down sugars.
A Moldy Trick For Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Isolated from the common mold Aspergillus fumigatus, the enzyme FtmOx1 can add two oxygen atoms to molecules efficiently.