entrepreneur first

Supporting Deep Tech Leaders Of The Future (VIDEO)

As the general manager of Entrepreneur First in Singapore, Bernadette Cho enables ambitious individuals to build deep tech companies that solve global problems.

A Virtual Blueprint For Success

It’s not all fun and games with virtual reality—Singapore startup VRcollab is shaking up the construction industry with its VR approach to building design and review.

A Dose Of (Virtual) Reality

With virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies blurring the seams between reality and fantasy, everyone from startups to academia and even NASA wants a slice of the action.

Ready For Liftoff

With technological advances lowering barriers to entry for startups and smaller players, it’s all systems go for Singapore space tech.

Sense And Sustainability

Cheap, easy-to-install sensors, improved wireless networking technologies and powerful big data analytics are helping businesses cut costs and go green at the same time.

Is This Town Big Enough?

What does Singapore’s recent push towards deep technology mean for the country’s more mature life sciences sector?

Building Deep Tech Companies At SGInnovate

SGInnovate, Entrepreneur First and the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Innovation Centre are working together to find and nurture Singapore’s next generation of entrepreneurs.

SGInnovate To Launch Singapore Into AI & Robotics Space

SGInnovate will focus on areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, digital health, financial services, smart energy, digital manufacturing and transportation.