ehime university
Concrete Doped With Microbes Gains Durability
Scientists in Japan have found that the rate of corrosion of steel bars in concrete can be slowed by embedding aerobic bacteria within cement.

Scientists Find Hidden Dioxins In African E-Waste Hubs
Researchers in Japan have characterized dioxins and other soil contaminants from an e-waste hub in Ghana.
Hawaiian Fruit Fly Ancestry More Complex Than Previously Thought
New research refuting the ‘single Hawaiian origin’ hypothesis shows that fruit flies have plural ancestors spanning various continents.
A (Laser) Shocking Way To Predict How Earth-Type Planets Form
Using a technique called laser shock, researchers in Japan have provided insights into how Earth-type planets form when giant asteroids collide.
Fish In Cat Food Could Trigger Feline Hyperthyroidism
Fish-flavored cat food, instead of exposure to flame retardants, was found to be a cause of hyperthyroidism in cats.
How To Make Zebrafish Switch Sex
Scientists have found that the number of primordial germ cells regulates the gonadal switch in zebrafish.
GHIT Awards Seven New Grants Amounting To US$15.3 Million
Research in the neglected tropical diseases of dengue, malaria and Chagas disease receive a US$15.3 million boost in funding from GHIT.
Researchers Model Alzheimer’s Disease From Patients’ Skin Cells
Japanese researchers have grown cortical neurons and astrocytes using fibroblasts from Alzheimer's disease patients.