Deciphering The Histone Code
Scientists in Hong Kong have identified a histone mark that regulates chromatin structure, with implications for gene expression and DNA repair.
Made Simple: Selecting The Sex Of Offspring
A research group in Japan has identified a chemical that affects sperm bearing the Y chromosome differently from those bearing the X chromosome.
X-Chromosome Inactivation Reveals Cause Of Rare Brain Disease
Scientists have found that the CASK gene is responsible for a rare brain disorder called MICPCH.
How Amami Rats Stay Male Without Y Chromosomes
Scientists in Japan and the US have investigated how sex determination takes place in male Amami mice in the absence of a Y chromosome.
Compacting The Yeast Genome Into A Single Chromosome
Using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system, scientists in China have created single-chromosome yeast to study the evolutionary benefits or drawbacks of having multiple chromosomes.
Magnesium Makes Chromosomes Condense
Scientists in Japan have developed a new ion detector, MARIO, which shows how free magnesium ions affect chromosome formation.
Reprogramming ‘Fixes’ Trisomic Sperm
Cells with extra sex chromosomes can be reprogrammed to create sperm with the correct number of chromosomes that can give rise to healthy offspring.
Being Male Even Without The Y Chromosome
Scientists have figured out how a rat species that lacks the Y chromosome still maintains male characteristics.
Keeping Two Eyes On Chromosome Alignment
The RanGTP-Ubr5-BuGZ-Bub3 signaling axis helps to guarantee spindle checkpoint silencing, ensuring proper cell division.