central south university

High-Quality Research In China On The Rise

According to the Nature Index 2018 Rising Stars supplement, 51 of the top 100 universities with improved research outputs are located in China.

Artificial MicroRNAs To Target Dengue Virus

Researchers in China have identified artificial microRNAs that target regions of the dengue genome essential for viral replication.

Scientists Identify Novel Genetic Markers For Lou Gehrig’s Disease In Han Chinese

Scientists have identified two novel genetic variants associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, in the Han Chinese population.

Chinese Herb May Provide Benefits In Type II Diabetes

A traditional Chinese pill could be a key weapon in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, a Chinese and Australian study has found.

Gene Linked To Rare Male-Linked Intellectual Disability

Researchers have solved a 40-year mystery for an Australian family beset by a rare intellectual disability that affects only the male family members.

Study: Human Embryonic Stem Cells Acquire Mutations From Long-Term Culture

A large international stem cell collaboration has identified a portion of the genome mutated during long-term culture of human embryonic stem cells.