Breastfeeding Can Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes
A study from South Korea shows that breastfeeding helps reduce the risk of maternal postpartum diabetes, even years after stopping lactation.

Breastfed Babies Have Better Cholesterol Profiles As Teens
Researchers in Hong Kong found that infants who were breastfed had reduced levels of low density lipoprotein-cholesterol during adolescence.
RAGE Is Responsible For Absorbing Oxytocin In Breastmilk
Scientists have solved the mystery of how oxytocin in breastmilk crosses the gut to reach the bloodstream of baby mice.
Breastfeeding May Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease
Breastfeeding benefits mums as well as babies, potentially lowering the mother’s risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
How Beneficial Gut Bacteria Thrive On Breastmilk
Different strains of beneficial gut bacteria have evolved independent mechanisms to make the most of the sugars found in breastmilk.
Breastfeeding For More Than A Year Lowers Risk Of Metabolic Syndrome
Mothers who breastfeed longer may lower their risk of metabolic syndrome and related disorders including high blood pressure and high cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
New Moms Moving Towards The Bottle
Instead of directly breastfeeding babies, new moms are increasingly using expressed breast milk.
Asia’s Thirst For Baby Formula Milk Raises Health Concerns
An unquenchable thirst for infant and baby formula in China and Southeast Asia is raising concerns about the health of millions of mothers and their babies.
Baby’s Saliva Interacts With Mum’s Milk To Fight Bad Bacteria
It turns out that baby drool is not just to annoy parents; chemical reactions between saliva and milk help to build baby's immune system.
Nutrient Database To Promote Breastfeeding
A study in Hong Kong concludes that more than 80 percent of mothers can meet their babies' requirements for DHA through breast milk alone.