A Strong & Transparent Alternative To Plastic
Instead of non-biodegradable plastic, your next ‘plastic’ bag could be made out of bacterial biofilms.

Nobuhiro Takahashi Wins 2019 Yngve Ericsson Prize
Takahashi is the first Asian researcher to receive the Yngve Ericsson Prize for preventive odontology.
Chipping Away At The Problem Of Biofilms
Scientists in Japan have invented a tool that could be used to better understand biofilm kinetics.
MapZ Is The Bacteria’s ‘Rudder’
In single cell experiments, the protein MapZ has been shown to control the rotation of bacteria in response to chemical gradients.
Bacteria Attack With ‘Suicide Bombers’ (VIDEO)
Bacterial cells can quickly change from rod- to round-shaped and then explode, releasing cellular content into the surrounding environment to wreak more havoc.
Fighting Antibiotic Resistance By Breaking Up Biofilms
Blocking the formation of biofilms can enhance bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics and prevent the development of resistance, scientists say.
Fighting Cavities With Nanoparticles
Silicon nanoparticles soaked with disinfectants can inhibit bacterial growth for up to three days and could be used to prevent oral biofilm formation.
Bringing The Bling To Antibacterials
Gold nanoparticles, which are well tolerated by the body and bactericidal in the dark, could be used to prevent biofilms from forming on medical implants, scientists show.