bayer healthcare
Bayer & Singapore’s EDB To Foster Translational Research
Bayer Healthcare deepens its existing cooperation with Singaporean institutions, announcing five year plan to launch at least three new joint research projects.
Bayer Boosts Production Capacity In China
Bayer's US$139 million investment will make the Beijing site their largest pharmaceuticals packaging facility in China.
Bayer, Peking Uni To Establish Drug Discovery Research Center
Bayer HealthCare and Peking University have signed a partnership to establish a joint research center for drug discovery and development.
OPINION: India Mustn’t Bow To Patent Pressure
The latest round of challenges to India's drug patent laws is a fight that must be won for the world's poor, says Priya Shetty.
India’s Patent Laws Threaten Public Health, U.K. Experts
Pending cases against India's patent laws threaten public health and misinterpret international IP agreements, say two public health experts from the U.K.
Tsinghua University And Bayer HealthCare To Partner On Drug Discovery
Bayer HealthCare and Tsinghua University are expanding their joint research partnership relating to the Bayer-Tsinghua Joint Research Center for Innovative Drug Discovery.