AsianScientist (Jun. 5, 2018) – Just in case you missed any of them, here are seven must-read stories published on Asian Scientist Magazine in May 2018.
- Indian Engineering Student Saves Diabetic Passenger On Flight
- Gene Editing Blocks HIV Transmission In Cells
- Asia’s Rising Scientists: Varodom Charoensawan
- Universal Antibody Drug Against HIV Developed
- The Power Of Exponential Thinking
- Lens Shown To Reduce Myopia In Children
- Asia’s Scientific Trailblazers: Jenny Su
Thanks to the quick thinking of IITK engineering student Karttikeya Mangalam aboard a flight from Geneva to New Delhi, a diabetic passenger’s life was saved.
Researchers have used gene editing to block the replication of HIV in human cells.
Using a systems biology approach, Assistant Professor Varodom Charoensawan seeks to understand the complexity of gene networks and the way they are regulated.
Hong Kong scientists have developed a bispecific antibody that ‘kills two birds with one stone’ and can neutralize virtually all known strains of HIV.
To thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, individuals, companies and societies can no longer afford to think about the future in linear terms, says Mr Charlie Ang, ambassador for Singularity University’s Singapore Chapter and Founder of Everything40.com.
Scientists in Hong Kong have designed spectacle lenses to slow myopic progression in children.
For Professor Jenny Su, president of Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University, universities have a social responsibility to respond to national and global crises.
Copyright: Asian Scientist Magazine; Photo: Shutterstock.
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