AsianScientist (Mar. 9, 2018) – In a study published in Chemical Communications, scientists at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, have developed a fluorescent sensor for solvent vapor detection.
Sensors are important for detecting contaminants and monitoring environmental conditions. Fluorescent sensors can reveal the presence of a contaminant according to the change of the intensity and/or wavelength of light that they emit. In particular, fluorescent sensors that display changes in emission color are attractive because such changes may be readily observed with the naked eye, making them easy to use.
In this study, a research team led by Dr. Yohei Yamamoto of the University of Tsukuba created a sensor based on a branched molecule called a dendrimer. The dendrimer is composed of an electron-accepting core attached to electron-donating branches. Under certain conditions, the dendrimer self-assembled into fibers that formed a crystalline framework containing numerous pores, which aided adsorption of solvent molecules.
“Slow diffusion of methanol or acetonitrile into chloroform solutions of the dendrimer yielded crystalline microfibers with high porosity,” said Dr. Sae Nakajima of the University of Tsubaka who is the first author of the study. “Under other conditions, we obtained amorphous microspheres of the dendrimer that lack pores.”
The research group investigated the crystal structure of the dendrimer by diffraction techniques, finding that the pore volume of the microfiber structure was over 70 percent of the total crystal volume. The high pore volume of the crystalline dendrimer microfibers greatly increased their gas adsorption capacity over that of the spheres formed under other conditions.
Films of the crystalline dendrimer displayed favorable emission behavior for use in solvent sensing. When the films were exposed to solvent vapor, their emission intensity increased, and their emission color quickly changed within two seconds, reflecting the solvent polarity. This meant that a single film could be used to detect numerous types of solvents.
For example, a film appeared blue in a fluorescence microscopy image before solvent exposure and became yellow after introduction of water vapor, or turned green after methanol addition. The film returned to its original color when the solvent vapor was removed, allowing it to be reused.
“Dendrimers typically possess dense amorphous structures. The porous crystalline structure formed by our dendrimer under specific conditions increased its adsorption capacity and sensing ability, revealing the importance of crystalline structure in fluorescent sensing by dendrimers,” said Yamamoto.
This work demonstrates that the visible sensing of solvent vapor can be realized using crystalline dendrimers with porous structures. Such dendrimers show promise for use in discrimination of gases and organic materials, making them attractive for environmental sensing applications.
The article can be found at: Nakajima et al. (2018) A Fluorescent Microporous Crystalline Dendrimer Discriminates Vapor Molecules.
Source: University of Tsukuba.
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