singapore national eye centre

Study Hard And Play Hard, Says Amanda The Panda

Although children may feel pressurized to spend their time studying indoors, a new book reminds parents that outdoor play has immense benefits for their child’s eyesight and emotional health.

A Vision To Tackle Myopia In Singapore

The Singapore National Eye Centre and the Singapore Eye Research Institute plan to reduce the prevalence of myopia in Singapore through education and awareness initiatives.

AYOXXA Launches LUNARIS™ Protein Analysis System In Asia

Combining the advantages of a bead-based multiplexing approach, the reliability and scalability of plate-based formats and the simplicity of image-based analysis, the LUNARIS™ Protein Analysis System enables researchers to maximize their insights from precious biological samples.

Scientists Discover A Mutation That Prevents Glaucoma

Although other variants of the LOXL1 gene have been linked to glaucoma, the p.Y407F mutation offers a 25-fold protection against the disease.

AMD Affects Visual Function Differently Across Ethnicities

Unlike Malays and Chinese, Indians with age-related macular degeneration do not experience as severe a loss in visual function.

Glaucoma In Singapore: Steady But Often Undiagnosed

Although the prevalence of glaucoma in Singapore has not changed over the last decade, a high proportion of previously undiagnosed disease suggests a need for greater public awareness.

Singapore’s Top Scientists Honored at PSTA 2014

Three women and five men have been awarded Singapore's top scientific honors at the President's Science and Technology Awards 2014.

Genetic Causes Of Poor Eyesight Become Clearer

An international team of scientists have completed the largest study into the genetic causes of poor eyesight.

Scientists Discover Genes That Cause Cornea Blindness

Scientists in Singapore have identified genes for central corneal thickness that may cause potentially blinding eye conditions such as glaucoma.

Scientists Find Genes Linked To Blindness

Singapore scientists have identified three new genes associated with Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness in Chinese people.